History of False Flag Operations
In 1954, democratically elected President Jacobo Arbenz
of Guatemala implemented FDR New Deal type reforms.
So the CIA replaced Arbenz with a dictator and secretly supported
decades of civil war and atrocities, murder.
[Oct 10 1952 document] Rather than setting up a Communist state,
Arbenz desires to establish a
"modern democracy" which would improve the lot of its people through
paternalistic social reforms. Arbenz' personal idol is FDR and his
reforms are patterned after New Deal reforms and adjusted to the backward
economy and social structure of Guatemala. None of the reforms are
substantially extreme as compared to many of those in the US, Europe,
and even in other Latin American countries.
They hid their role, so the coup resembled a civil war instead.
[July 7 1952 document]
All possible arms and equipment should be procured locally,
but some materiel support will be required. Such materiel
must be sterile and will not likely be of U.S. manufacture.
[October 4 1952 document]
Any suggestion of overt invasion by outside nation must be avoided.
Head of the CIA, Allan Dulles as head of the CIA and
John Foster Dulles as head of the State Department also served
on the board for Wall Street companies that wanted regime change
in Guatemala.
[November 14 1951 document]
In a conversation with Dr. Dulles and other interested officials in the Agency, [REDACTED] acting as a spokesman for the United Fruit Company and the Electric
Bond and Share Company, offered the facilities and personnel of these two
organizations to assist the CIA in any current or proposed operations
which we may conduct to combat the growth of Communism in Guatemala.
CIA is very interested in this offer....
A false-flag narrative of Communism invasion was
created by the CIA
[1953 PsyOps Propaganda document page 2]
6. Propaganda materials designed to excite discontent
throughout Guatemala will be prepared and distributed.
It will be aimed at low level targets, enlisted men and
officers and special groups such as lawyers, students, etc.
7. Rumors and other propaganda materials will publicize any
real or feasible possible threats to Guatemala which would
tend to incite disloyalty to the ARBENZ regime.
8. Letters will be prepared by a group of Guatemalans in
Mexico and mailed day-after-day to a selected list of military
leaders in Guatemala. These letters will explain why materials
are not forth-coming to the Guatemalan army -- putting the blame
on the shoulders of the Communists in the Guatemalan government.
Only solution offered will be deposing of Communist influence.
[1953 PsyOps Propaganda document page 3]
11. The spreading of rumors within the Guatemalan army
will be continued throughout all phases. Several
themes are suggested below, but will have to be played
"by ear" on-the-spot at appropriate times:
Soviet officers are going to be sent over to check
on ideological proficiency of Guatemalan officers;
Arbenz is planning, with the aid of FORTUNY,
to establish a school for a Guatemalan NKVD.
The graduates will be given high army rank and
placed in charge of units.
The Communists are going to force all Catholic troops
to leave the Church and join one which worships the memory of STALIN.
Appeal to the Archbishop and tell your wives to get up
a petition protesting atheist Communist policies.
[1953 PsyOps Propaganda document page 4]
A letter from a Communist European front will ostensibly
be mailed to FORTUNY, telling him that GUTIERREZ has been
reporting to Moscow about the activities of FORTUNY and that
unless GUTIERREZ can be silenced, FORTUNY may be purged.
[1953 PsyOps Propaganda document page 5]
A "Communist cell" will be uncovered in Salvador which will
contain: Plan for overthrow of Guatemalan military;
"Black" propaganda will proclaim the innocence of FORTUNY
and put all the blame on GUTIERREZ, for the "Communist Cell."
Black GUTIERREZ propaganda, if needed, will call for a vote of
"no-confidence" in FORTUNY.
Aforementioned letters to leaders of the armed forces will
continue to be mailed --- now varied to include quotes from the
Communist cell material and guesses as to who would be liquidated
if the Communists took over.
Communist "splinter group" mimeographed letters will be sent to non-Communist and Communist leaders pointing out all disagreements of USSR backed Commie and call
for formation of a nationalist Communist Party resembling a communalism party
set-up such as was had in pre-Spanish conquest days.
For decades after the 1953 coup, thousands were tortured and killed
by CIA supported forces.
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